I’m feeling very Buddhist today. I’m here (in Utah), but not here(for much longer). I’m awake, but deep in thought. I am in this reality, but waiting for the next. I am nothingness. Ohmmmmm.
Marco and I don’t know what is next. When, where, how, for how long...I guess you could say we are just spinning in the Wheel of Samsara. We are at the beginning, waiting for the journey, waiting to be birthed into life. I am learning to see it as a happy place of newness and the unknown. The unknown is a good thing because it means adventure and that anything can happen. Whatever will happen, will happen. (Even if we have to move to Seattle.) Even if we are poor, or sick, or bored…things will always change. Nothing last forever, so just go with it….ohmmmmmm, again.
In Buddhism, there are Four Noble Truths followed by The Eight Fold Path, followed by a lot of explanation on how to follow that path. But they basically say that all suffering comes from clinging too tightly to material things, living too far to the extremes, not having a right state of thought or intention, and by being too dependent upon our personal desires. Suffering is life, life is temporary, and all things change. There is also a concept of Wu Wei, which is to let go and to free ones’ self. If you are stressed out, you are not Wu Wei. If you are cold or hot, your body is not Wu Wei. If your bank account is empty or overflowing, it is not Wu Wei. To truly “wu wei,” you must flow effortlessly like the river. Nothing matters, but all is important. To drink, but not to drown, etc, etc. So, let go of trying to have control and just flowwwwwww, ohmmmmmmm.

Buddhism and Taoism are two of my favorite religions/philosophies because I see it as very much like the life of Christ. Obviously that could cause a ”gassssp!!!” from many a Bible Toter, but its true. Christ was the embodiment of peace and love. He was a humble man. A hippie from Nazareth telling everybody to love each other and share all that you have. He even said to love people who hate you! But the Wu Wei of Jesus is really clear when he said stuff like, “if they hit you on the cheek, just turn to the other one,” or “sell everything you own and follow me.” (Material things don’t matter=The essence of Buddhism) Meanwhile, the Romans were building, and expanding, and developing, and exploring, and conquering. Then along comes Zen-Jesus saying, “Be like the child, be humble, live a simple life, be a fisherman of men, be a servant, wash yucky feet.” The Jews wanted the Messiah to tear it all down and beat up all the Romans and kick ‘em out and take over. But no. Jesus said, “to love is the greatest thing.” Buddhism is really good at the loving/compassionate stuff. In The Eight Fold Path it says not to kill anything, steal anything, harm anything, and not to even think harmful thoughts. Most Buddhist are vegetarians (comme moi) cause they don't want to harm animals.
Jesus lived simply, he loved deeply, and gave everything for the ones He loved. But he also said for us to do it too! To let it all go and just be. Be joyful, be loving, be peaceful, be kind, be gentle, be patient and wu wei like the river. Ohmmmmmm.
So I guess that's why I’m feeling Buddhisty. Because I know everything will work out. The unknown is only unknown to me, but God knows. Whatever happens will happen…ohmmmm.