Sunday, July 16, 2006

This morning I went walking in the city and found lots of new things. There are so many elegant, old buildings. Its really cool to walk by buildings and on streets that just the bricks are older than the WHOLE United States. I went to church, (but i was late) so i just sat in the back. It was absolutely amazing...there were statues of Biblical characters all around the walls, the ceiling was SOOOO high and the whole building was painted with artwork. There was also a big BIG statue of Mary and she was crying REAL tears! At the end of the service lots of old people went to each of the statues and kissed the feet. It was very impressive. Tonight I can't decide if i want to go back to the church for a Festival of a Saint or if I want to go to the Bullfight here in Alicante. hmmmmm, tricky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey - are you really studying or has it started yet?

We hear from K w/pictures. You are having too much fun - (just kidding)

We just got back from a wk. in NM @ the Baptist facility - the kids that were there made me think about you a lot.

Love you & you be very good & careful.

Your great-auntie & 2nd cuz.