I love: H&M, public transportation, the 2 euro coin, the 1 euro coin, FANTA, Nutella, Jamon Serrano, the beach, my roomates, The Simpsons in Spanish, FNAC, my grammer teacher, walking distance of everything, the Euro fashion, habanicos, internet, supper at 11 at night, nightclubs til sunrise,rebajas, SKYPE...
I miss: Dr. Pepper, Mexican food, chicken salad, MTV, VH1, Playtex brand tampons, Movies in English, air conditioning, a dishwasher, a dryer, ice in drinks...
Right now I'm: not doing my homework, a little sunburned, just ate lunch#1 (zuchini and tomatoes with rice and FANTA), about to go to the post office, go to the beach after homework, sweating caus its freaking hot, watching argentinian cartoons...
I'm happy that: Marco got skype update on his mac, Ally is tying a yellow ribbon around some tree til i get home, i get to wear heels to class since its fashion here, the washing machine is working again, i have dreamed in Spanish everynight since last wednesday, the french guy fixed my computer, my roomates did the dishes today...
I miss more than anything: the smell of chlorine. ;)