I had this goal to go away to Spain y when i came home i would have long hair. OBVIOUSLY its not gonna happen. My hair WAS getting pretty freaking long though, i must say. But i told Charla and Marco that when i tried to do the sexy hair flip over the shoulder thing, it was NOT sexy, just wierd. LIke i was trying to smell my ear. Pues, I was on my way home from school y the sign said student discounts, so i did it. AND i love it. Its so short and now i use HALF the shampoo i normally would, which is good cause i'm gonna see if i can go the rest of the time i am here without buying shower stuff. Also, I feel like i should apologize for all these fotos; i try to not put cheesy ones. You know, like those girls who put tons of stupid pictures of ONLY themselves over and over and over again and you would think the only friend they have is their digital camera...BUT this is just to show my hair...after that, other people will be in the pictures with me, i promise. Also, the Doctor said, "Si, estas enferma." But i got medicine and i am feeling better already....as you can see, since i am at the beach. However, i still can't smell anything. Tonight i am going out with my roomates, and to picj out what to wear I will have to get Julia to smell my shirts to see if they are clean or not. (Havent done laundry in ages.) Well, tell me what you think about the hair...HONESTLY....i think maybe after i get back to America i will dye it, or something...Vamos a ver.
The hair cut looks great! Not so sure about the swimsuit.
I LOOOVVVVEEE the hair... Although......you look tooooo thin. kinda like that Hilton girl. You do look like you are feeling a little better than the "sick" pictures.
Im glad you went to doctor.. I know you must have been really sick to do that.. you never even take a Tylenol!
I worry about you!!. But the hair looks good.
I really like the hair cut! Where did you get it done?
Next time you want to get your hair cut let me know and we will do a swap. You give me your hair to make mine a little longer and I will give you some of my weight to make you a little fuller. Don't you think that would work??? No rude comments about me to your friends now. I know you wouldn't to that. Love you, Aunt Linda
i LOVE your hair...and you. check your email. :)
2006 blog.......if you are available to visit my blog it's www.97thmember.blogspot.com .......
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