Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I started on Saturday working for DKNY and i really like it! The dressers and sellers and designers are so nice! We get delicious catered breakfast and lunch everyday...mmm. But the days are long; i worked for 12 hours today in 5 inch heels! ouchie! BUt the clothes are amazing and the clients are from all over the place: Turkey, Russia, South Africa, all over Europe. I LOVE it. I'm just really tired and I can't seem to beat this sniffly cold.
I still don't have a cell phone, or an alarm clock, though. (Marco calls my apartment to wake me up in the mornings.
Everything is goin' gooood.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel,

I just came home know. I enjoyed it too spending time together...

See you in the states!


kathy said...

I really do like Donna Karen's clothes but they are made small. Love you