Friday, November 21, 2008


What if you went around the world and asked kids from every level of society and from every continent in the world, "What does water smell like?" Some kids, like here in America, would say "that's silly, water doesn't have a smell." Because we have clean, clear, running water. Or kids in Switzerland would say "its smells like the mountains or nature" because even their tap water is like fresh, bottled, springwater. But maybe a little girl in Senegal would say "it smells like chemicals or gasoline," because she walks everyday to the river and carries water back in an old jug she found on the road. Or a little boy in India might say, "It smells like garbage and waste," because the water is so contaminated and there are no dumping restrictions. Or kids in the Favelas of Brasil would say "It smells like drainage," because they have streams running through their make-shift villages that are the drainage ditches from the city.
When I was in India, I saw poverty like you can't imagine until you are there. Beggars aren't asking for money - they are asking for water. "Tanda Pani, Dee Dee? Tanda Pani?" in Hindi means "Cold Water, Auntie, Cold water?" I will never forget all the precious Hindi babies surrounding me in the street begging, actually BEGGING for a drink when they saw me take out my water bottle from my bag. They stood all around me with their mouths open and their little hands cupped for me to pour it into their mouths. Little mouths full of sores, missing teeth, rotting teeth, cracked lips. I felt helpless after I had poured the last drop into their tiny mouths, but those who did get a sip were so greatful. And my heart broke into a thousand pieces.
Today I am thankful for water. When you take a drink today, what does it smell like?

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