Friday, August 25, 2006

Today I went to the studio where they give Salsa lessons and other types of dancing, and because it is a city funded program and i am a student, then any class i want to take is free. FREE!!!! When i was in Switzerland, we went to a Jazz festival in Basel and I was thinking how much I missed dance class, and now I can do it here iñ Spain for free. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME??? I am really looking forward to it.
This has been a rough week, but little things are getting me to the next minute, hour, and day. Like skype, chinese food, the idea of joey coming, unexpected messages...lots of things. Already I am able to look at how much I have done here in Europe and I am proud of myself. For ME. Things i have done for myself, memories that i may not ever share with anyone, but i have them and they make me smile. I am also finding I miss Guiseppe and our talks at the beach. I may never see him again, but such is life. I will never forget him, or the way he stank so bad or things he told me that have changed my view of the world. he is out there somewhere in the world riding his bike and changing people. Maybe I am here in Spain to begin a legacy of my own. Maybe I have already begun and this is just another part of it. Maybe i will wake up tomorrow and I will be in America and this has all been a dream. Que sera, sera.
I think how much i have done and I cant wait to share my experiances with the people I love because, i live to share my life. Maybe thats why i havent been doing so good lately, because I have been so alone, but i am coming to a point where i know it will look brighter, i just have to get out of bed.
This afternoon i found myself in a back street where i may or may not have run from the Spanish police at one time. I walked beside the Meditreanean sea, i looked at a castle from my appartment window, and I helped some german guy find the street he was looking for. Mañana, todo va a cambiar. Pero, que sera, sera. Viva la vida.


makkeboome said...

i'm proud...

Anonymous said...

Hey're doing great and we're all here supporting you. I had a difficult time when Scott was away for his six month cruise and I was here in Virginia alone. But that created the perfect chance for me to get out and meet some of the best friends I'll ever have. Lots of people would never even THINK of doing what you've done. Hold your head high. You're strong, proud and (LIKE ME) have a GREAT PERSONALITY (wink, wink) :D LOVE YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

we are soo proud of you .. you have made the licklider clan proud..
you can do it!. you are touching lives that you may never know about until heaven. Make a difference. Have an adventure.. but not on back streets or back alleys. love you more than you will ever know.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel,

The whole Jones clan love that you are experiencing life and Jerm wishes that he would have done something like that! Jess starts to school tomorrow and she said to tell you she loves you and will write you later....We love and miss you! Stay Safe!